The spread in trading is the difference between the offer and bid prices for an asset. Because the spread determines the relative value of the two derivatives, it plays a crucial role in CFD trading. Brokers, market makers, and other service providers frequently use spreads as a means of displaying their prices. This implies that the cost of acquiring an asset will always exceed that of the underlying market by a small margin. While the asking price to sell at will always be below the asking price. In finance, a spread is the difference between two prices or rates and can refer to a number of different things. Option spreads, for instance, are a type of trading strategy. This is achieved by purchasing and selling the same number of options at varying strike prices and time periods. Bid-Ask Disparity The spread added to the price of an asset is also known as the bid-offer spread, the bid-ask spread, and other names. How much more or less people are willing to pay for an asset is reflect...